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Want To Be Part Of This Living Art Piece?

Since its creation in 2000, the Art of Peacemaking: The Gun Sculpture has profoundly impacted over 2 million viewers, with coverage in more than 80 countries.

Despite being created over two decades ago, the message of peace remains more relevant than ever.

Over 180,000 comments and drawings have been contributed to date. You, too, can contribute to this living piece of art. Whether you’ve visited in person, or witnessed it online, what impact has it left on you?

Share your thoughts with us below.

EXPO 2000 - Visitor Comments

EXPO 2000 in Hannover, Germany was the world’s largest exhibition, seeing over 20 million visitors. The Art of Peacemaking: The Gun Sculpture was part of the expo at Canada’s pavilion. We invited visitors to interact and leave their thoughts. These are some of the comments.

UN Exhibit, 2001

“Thought-provoking both mentally and spiritually. Thank goodness someone is making us aware!” What do you think needs more awareness? Share your comments.

What Is The Purpose? - UN Exhibit, NYC, 2001

One visitor shares: “A gun does not have to be dangerous. It is when it is used to kill that danger occurs. However, what is the purpose of a gun?”